Consumers, investors, and policymakers are looking for Low Carbon and Circular Economy projects to realize positive, long-lasting financial growth that simultaneously preserves the earth for future generations. The continuing development of Industrial Biotechnology is creating a sustainable, circular Global Bioeconomy which in turn is yielding innovative profit centers for farmers, rural communities, innovators, and project developers. The time is ripe for investments in the Global Bioeconomy that will revolutionize the way the we produce, use and re-use carbon for energy, materials and food.
Cynthia Thyfault, Founder and CEO of Westar Trade Resources (Westar), has provided over 26 years of successful business management consulting for the development, management and funding of Low Carbon Technologies, both domestically and internationally, including obtaining over $3 billion in funding for clients.
Westar was recently re-branded in 2018 as Global Biofuture Solutions, LLC (GBS) to encompass a new global risk-based approach. This new entity was formed to re-position the company to address new opportunities for launching and managing a suite of unique tools and services to promote increased investment in the low carbon bioeconomy sector both domestically and internationally.
Please contact us for more information and a free,
no-obligation consultation at 866-480-4405 or results@gbs.earth
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Risk Management System
Bringing these new, complex business models and renewable carbon supply chains into existence is a challenge accompanied by a disparate set of risks that can have major impacts on the long-term sustainability and profitability of these new ventures. Being able to measure, manage, and monitor the risks throughout the business cycle that come with innovative and disruptive business models can mean the difference between success and failure. To manage the risks inherent to building out the Global Bioeconomy GBS has developed the QuantaVision Risk Monitoring System, which provides a systematic and effective holistic linking of managed risk with risk mitigation activities for every business decision, while maximizing profitability and long-term feasibility of these innovative businesses.
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Bioeconomy Investments
“ The growth story of the 21st century will unlock unprecedented opportunities and deliver a strong, sustainable, inclusive global economy. The benefits of climate action are greater than ever before, while the costs of inaction continue to mount. It is time for a decisive shift to a new climate economy.”
“Low-carbon growth could deliver economic benefits of US$26 trillion to 2030—and this is a conservative estimate.”
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How We Provide Value
GBS has decades of experience in developing the global bioeconomy, with specific experience in biofuels both domestically and abroad. In the last few years through their research and conducting numerous listening sessions with government officials, biofuels developers, and multi-national financial institutions, to name a few, it has been abundantly clear that there needs to be an increased focus on education and consultation regarding the diverse topics of public perception, biofuels benefits, food vs fuel, regulations, consumer acceptance, infrastructure, and financing to properly grow and expand the global economy for biofuels.
GBS has developed the QuantaVision Risk Monitoring System, which provides a systematic and effective holistic linking of managed risk with risk mitigation activities for every business decision, while maximizing profitability and long-term feasibility of these innovative businesses.